Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Medical School

As I am getting ready to apply to medical school I just discovered that even if you re-take a class to replace a grade it doesn't matter. The old grade and the new grade both get counted towards a new GPA which the AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) calculates for you and ranks you in their system. So the year I fucked up, really fucked things up. Even if I took the class again and proved that I am a competent person. C'est la vie. 

I talked to the pre-med head adviser at my college and he said I need a back up plan in case I don't get into medical school. Which by the way costs around 3,000 just to apply to 20 schools which in terms of applying to medical school isn't that many schools to apply to. People are known to apply to 30-40 schools. No wonder only rich people become doctors, they are the only ones that can afford to apply. There is financial assistance offered to applicants but you have to be poor as shit. To bad my parents weren't hobos. 

To make myself happy after all these realizations I bought myself an iced D&D coffee with a shot of blueberry flavor, and 2 China Glaze nail polishes. The neon ones. Who can't use some more neon in their lives? The one "Japanese Koi" is a fluorescent red-orange and "In the Lime Light" is a bright ass green with shimmer. Who can't be happy with bright ass colors on the ends of their fingers.

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