Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Angels, The Devil, and a Disney Rip Off

Even though I think the movie Beastly looks completely dumb, I do enjoy the song in the trailer. The singer has an amazing voice, maybe not eyeshadow choice. The Song goes along with a book series that I have been reading lately, the "Guild Hunter" series. Its about this woman who hunts vampires, but these vampires aren't traditional vamps. In this urban/paranormal fantasy there are angels and archangels who create the vampires. Vampires have been done a million ways, but not this way. I really am enjoying the author's method of story telling, the imagery is pretty amazing. Plus the main character is pretty badass. So far the first book is the best, but I have yet to read the third. The author Nalini Singh's style reminds me of the style of the author of the Dante Valentine series Lilith Saintcrow. If you are into urban/paranormal fantasy then this is worth the read.

The books remind me of Gustave Dore's illustrations for the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Some of my favorite drawings/engravings.

The last one is of Lucifer falling from Heaven. The name Lucifer actually means the light bearer, and in literature the devil is also referred to as the "Morning Star" or "Day Star" because of his original angel name Lucifer. The importance of Lucifer's name plays an important role in another new series which started off with the first book "Black Wings" by Christina Henry, which is about an angel Madeline who escorts souls to the "Door". Which is another worth while read.

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